Dream 2010 was a great success.Held on 26th of June at Seva Bharti Institute, the event saw the advent of around members. Seva Bharti is a nation wide NGO contributing towards the development of skills amongst the economically challenged masses of the society. It imparts computer knowledge, beautician course, spoken English classes, stitching and tailoring classes at nominal and minimal rates. Sapney contributed in its own way to the institution by distributing crayons, activity books, pencil boxes etc. to the small ones. Printer/scanner/photocopier, computer equipments like- mouse, keyboards and computer stationary like paper packs and blank Cd’s were donated towards the computer section of the institute. Threads, handkerchiefs, pens,registers were other contributions. The children out there were quite interactive.. we played, danced and sang with them.We interacted with the chairmen, trustees and the faculty members of the institute,they were quiet down to earth. We were very pleased to meet them. They shared their experience with us and encouraged us to contribute towards the noble cause of life.

If you are the one who attended the function, share your love by commenting to this post ! We will love to know your experience.

1 Comment
  1. aadhar 15 years ago

    As always, it was a great experience to be there with the kids. It was encouraging to receive the blessing and support of teachers. There would always be something or the other that would be going on in our lives and these experiences with sapney help to come out of that flow and see life from a different perspective. Thank you everyone.

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