1. Nishant Sapra 14 years ago

    The credit goes to you all who have been associated with us and gave strength to make this possible. I am so exited about this thing as personally it means a lot to me. I wish we can now take it further to next level and make bigger dreams possible. Love you guys for being by the side to give all the strength and love. It could never have been possible without you. 🙂

    • Rhyth M Jain 14 years ago

      This is a great milestone for Sapney.. I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations to Nishant and everybody associated with Sapney. Way to go!

  2. geetanjalietanjali 14 years ago

    Hey…My heartiest good wishes….miles to go before we say its done… 🙂

  3. Chander Mohan Gulwani 14 years ago

    Hey Congratulations to all the supporters of Sapney :-))))

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