Hello Friends,


Its being some time now that we have done some good deed. So lets wake up and break the monotony of regular routine and plan some good. We have successfully completed around a dozen of events and many of you have been part of making it happen.

We invite your ideas, thoughts and dreams to be shared here. Many a times it happens we see something around us and think, I wish something could be done about it. It can be a beggar on the road side or a known aunty who needs help for paying school fee of her child. It can be anyone around us. Let’s help.

Each one of us have a set of problems to tackle, but thanks to god, all the problems we have are still manageable. But you know what, there are people who look up to YOU to get their problems solved. There are children in orphanages who wait for your visit year through. There are children who become happy with your old toys and feel cozy in your old clothes. YES for them YOU are the solution, YOU are the dream merchant, and YOU are their Santa Claus. If you don’t trust me remember the shine you must have seen in the their eyes during any of the past events of SAPNEY.

We need your involvement to make SAPNEY more contributing part of society. Please keep suggesting the ways we can help others. If you see a child in pain, it will not take much of effort to post us about the same. let us see if together we can help and give them a smile.

Thanks for your patience in reading this post at last we will say, please comment on this post or on facebook to share your ideas for the next event .You can mail us at sapneycharitabletrust@gmail.com



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