With dreams in our eyes and enthusiasm to attain a noble good, we gave our preliminary interest, a concrete shape.

We organised SAPNEY’S  first event at Missionery of Charity, an orphanage  in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. The event saw more than 50  SAPNEY members coming together for the very first time.

In the event, we distributed books, copies, school bags and other stationery products to the needy children.

The event did a dual benefit at an emotional level, apart from the evident social ones.

Children were overjoyed not only with their gifts but also because of the care, love and attention, they received by the SAPNEY members.

And, on the other hand, the heavenly feeling of spreading cheer amongst such neglected children, overwhelmed our members too.

The event got attention of the news media as well.

Amongst all the members, Raman, Ashok, Chandu  made commendable efforts.

1 Comment
  1. Aadhar Girotra 15 years ago

    This event was significant as this was the first one, our first step towards realization of dreams. This event made us realize that it is not as tough as it seems to go out there and make a child smile and in this process one realizes that this is actually fun. It no more remains an effort. This event was a motivator , a signpost that showed we were on a right track.

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